Parish Council Meetings are currently being held at the Methodist Chapel on Gynwell, on the 1st Thursday of the  month, with the exception of January and August, and they begin at 7:00pm. However, please also check the start time at the top of each agenda, as this may well change from time to time.
Agendas and minutes of meetings will be posted on this website and on the Parish Council Noticeboard on School Lane. At times it may be necessary to call extra meetings or to change the date of a meeting, but notification will be made by the Clerk to the Parish Council of any such extra meetings or changes to dates via the website and notice boards.

You are browsing Agendas and Minutes for the year 2024

Browse: 2025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007
Meeting DateMeeting TitleAgendaMinutes
Thu 3rd Oct, 2024Parish Council Meeting – 3rd October 2024 Download
Thu 5th Sep, 2024Parish Council Meeting – 5th September 2024 Download Download
Thu 4th Jul, 2024Parish Council Meeting – 4th July 2024 Download Download
Thu 6th Jun, 2024Parish Council Meeting – 6th June 2024 Download Download
Wed 1st May, 2024ANNUAL Parish Council Meeting – 1st May 2024 Download Download
Thu 25th Apr, 2024Annual Parish Meeting – 25th April 2024 Download Download
Thu 4th Apr, 2024Parish Council Meeting – 4th April 2024 Download Download
Thu 7th Mar, 2024Parish Council Meeting – 7th March 2024 Download Download
Thu 1st Feb, 2024Parish Council Meeting – 1st February 2024 Download Download


Total Attachments: 3

Download: Meeting Dates 2024-25 (104 KB)
Download: Meeting Dates 2023-24 (45 KB)
Download: Meeting Dates 2021-22 (101 KB)