APM Poster 2024

Annual Parish Meeting

The 2024 Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Thursday 25th of April 2024.

The Annual Parish Meeting, is where the parish council report to its electorate on what it has accomplished in the preceding year and is not a formal Council meeting. 

Electors, public and press are invited to hear reports from the Chairman, District & County Councillors, community groups and any organisation that the parish council has funded during the year.

The Council may also invite the local community policeman, neighbourhood watch co-ordinator, local headmaster etc. to address and inform the audience on community matters. The Annual Parish Meeting is a SEPARATE meeting from the Parish Council Annual Meeting and should not be confused with official council meetings.

The Annual Parish Meeting is a relatively informal event for the community whereas the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council is a formal council meeting and should be held between the 1st March and 1st June every year, on a date decided by the Parish Council.

The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council must be held in the month of May and in an election year the meeting must be held between 4 and 14 days after polling day. This is the meeting of the parish council where they elect the chairman, make other annual appointments and review their insurance, risk management policies, etc.

Pursuant to legislation (LGA 1972 s14(4)), this meeting cannot commence any earlier than 6pm.

The Annual Parish Meeting is usually called by the Chairman of the Parish Council. However any parish meeting may be called by the following and pursuant to LGA 1972 s 15 (1):

  • The Chairman of the Parish Council,
  • Any 2 Councillors from the parish,
  • Any 6 registered electors from the parish

The meeting is chaired by the Parish Council Chairman or in their absence the Parish Council Vice Chairman. LGA 1972 ss 17(1)). However, there is no requirement for the Parish Council Chairman to attend a meeting of the parish but they are entitled to attend (LGA 1972 s 16). If neither the parish council chair nor the vice chair are present then those electors present may appoint a chairman for the meeting. (LGA 1972 ss 17(3)).

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting

As the parish clerk is not required to attend the Annual Parish Meeting anyone can take the minutes to record the meeting. The minutes of meetings of the parish are kept separately from those of the parish council.
The minutes of the previous meeting should be signed by the person who chaired the previous Annual Parish Meeting

Voting at the Annual Parish Meeting

Initially voting on a question is done by a majority of those present at the meeting and the decision of the person chairing the meeting as to the decision, is final unless a poll is demanded (LGA 1972 ss 18(2)).

No votes taken at this meeting are binding on the parish council although they should consider them at the next meeting of the parish council.

Only members on the electoral roll can vote on an issue.

Other members of the public can attend and express their opinions but not vote.