The Methodist Church  is situated on the corner of Gynwell and Church Street and is  part of the Market Harborough Methodist Circuit  – Rev Brian Kennard, our minister  can be contacted on 01858 462889. Church Bookings Secretary Ruth Watson 740845
Services are held at 10:45am Sundays except the 3rd Sunday when the Sunday School meets and when there is an evening service at 6:00pm.The last Sunday is a Family Sevice. Our Worship is mostly in a modern style using Powerpoint.   ‘Fusion’  is a Youth Club for 7-11 yrs at 6:00pm on the last Thursday of the month. There is a thriving Mums & Tots Group on Thurdays afternoons and the DBC (Drinks Biscuit Chat) is on the 2nd Wednesday afternoon monthly. A House Fellowship Group meets alternate Wednesday evenings contact 740845 for details

Full details can be seen on the various pages of our website at


Fusion is a Youth Club for young folk between 7 – 11 years. It meets usually on the last Thursday of each month,  from 6:00pm to 7:15pm, but details are normally posted at the school. It costs 50p and there is a Tuck Shop at the end. All youngsters in the age range are welcome

On Halloween there was a special Alternative Halloween event “The Lights Party” – There is a slide show of the event which can be seen below.